In "My Story," you read about how I became involved with the healing herbs, but you didn't learn much about my background.
I have been in academics almost all my life. I have been retired from
teaching First Year Chemisty since 2015. My academic vita can be
found HERE.
I loved teaching the wonders of chemistry - it's not so different from
herbalism. We are after all living in a world composed mainly of
energy. An atom is mostly empty space with the tiny nucleus in the
middle of swirling electrons. I now watercolor and teach watercolor in my studio - Brazos Watercolor Retreats and tutor chemistry.
* “The Body Systems Approach to Natural Healing” by Steven Horne, Tree of Light Institute. Certificate. 1999
* “Tools for Healing: Mind, Body and Spirit” by Steven Horne, Tree of Light Institute. Certificate. 1999
* 8th Annual Women’s Herbal Conference, New Hampshire (August, 1995). 3
days. Included 3 1/2 hour intensive with Tieraona Klar Lowdog on
“Women’s Reproductive Health.”1997
* “Hitting the Target with Herbs” with Steven Horne, AHG (June, 1997),
in conjunction with NSP’s Rising Star Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah.
* “Allergy/Asthma Breakthrough” with Philip Zbylot, MD, MPH (May, 1997). 2 hr. College Station, Texas.
* “Holistic Women’s Health” with Philip Zbylot, MD, MPH (September, 1997). 2 hr. College Station, Texas.1998
* “Beyond Herbology 101: Herbs Healing And The Art of Simple Living”
with Mathew Wood and Dr. Svevo Brooks. (August 4-9, 1998), sponsored by
Rosemary Gladstar, Sage Mountain, Vermont.
1999 * “Annual Herb Walk” with Steven Horne, AHG (June,
1999). 3 days. Tree of Light Institute, Roosevelt, Utah. Included plant
identificaiton and herbal preparations.
* “Advanced Herbal Intensive,” including 12 hrs plant identification, 7
hrs pharmacognosy, 6 hrs on using herbs with cancer (August, 1999)
Instructor: Robyn Klein, AHG, sponsored by Gail Ulrich, Blazing Star
Herbal School, Shelburne Falls, MA. Certificate.
* “Plant Spirit Medicine in the Kashaya Pomo Tradition,” with Jim Hall,
Sebastopol, California (3 hours) sponsored by the American Botanical
Council, Austin, TX. This was mostly experiential, with our making
personal medicine bags and trying them on our neighbors.
* “Activating the Healing Response - An In-Depth Look at the Nervous
and Glandular Systems,” with Steven Horne, President, AHG. (April 1,
2000). 7 hrs. San Antonio, TX
* “Clinical Evaluation & the Art and Skill of Herbal Formulation,”
with 7Song, Director of the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine,
(April, 2000). 7 hrs, sponsored by Ellen Zimmerman, Austin School of
Herbal Studies, Austin, TX.
* “Optimum Health - Women’s and Children’s Health,” with Karen Adell
Jensen, Master Herbalist & Certified Midwife, (May, 2000). 4 hrs,
sponsored by Hughes Health Horizons, College Station, TX.
Workshop on Therapeutic Breath, with Peter Minke, RMT, Ph.D., College Station, TX. 2 hr. (5/00)
* “Medicines From the Earth, 2000. Rediscovering the Roots of
Herbalism,” (June 3-5, 2000). Included a 3 1/2 hour Intensive on Herbal
Energetics with David Winston & Herbalist Training (9 hours) with
Aviva Romm, Cascade Anderson Geller, Chanchal Cabrera, and Michael
Tierra, YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain, NC.
* “Annual Herb Walk and Herbal Formulation” with Steven Horne, AHG
July, 2000). 5 days. Tree of Light Institute, Roosevelt, Utah. Included
plant identification and herbal preparations.
2001 * “Healing with Flowers” Conference (June 1-3, 2001) 3
days. Rowe Conference Center, Massachusetts. Included Intensive
“Treating Disease with Flower Essences” with David Dalton. Other
teachers included Nanci Wrstling (Sacred Geometry), Don Cerow
(Celestial Mythology), Pam Montgomery (Spirit Evolution with the Aid of
Flower Essences), Don Babineau (The Light in the Forest – Patterns of
Consciousness) and Kate Gilday (Awakening the Chakras).
* “Advanced Herbal Medicine Making” with Christopher Hobbes (May 24,
2001) 9 hours. Sage Mountain Herbs, E. Barre, VT., Demonstration of
medicinal mushroom extracts, fresh juiced tincture, concentrated herbal
* “Beyond Herbology 101” with Kathleen Maier and Margi Flint. (August
1-5, 2001) 6 days. Sage Mountain Herbs, E. Barre, VT. Anatomy and
Physiology of the Digestive, Endocrine, Immune, Circulatory and Nervous
Systems, Client Intake, Face Diagnosis, Pulse Testing, Setting up a
Practice, Herbal Apothecary. Also included: “Medicinal Mushrooms for
the Immune System” by Nancy Scarzello.
* Distributor School (1994 - 1 day) - emphasis on body systems approach, Houston TX
* Manager School (1995 - 2 days) - emphasis on Chinese herbal medicine, Dallas TX
* Rising Star Convention (1997 - 3 days) Salt Lake City UT
* Aromatherapy School (1999 - 1 day) Houston TX
* ABC & D Distributer School (1999 - 1 day) Conroe TX
* “Herbs and Their Nutritional Impact on the Major Body Systems,” a 10
week Introductory Herbal Course, taught by Carolyn Coker Hughes and
myself (9/11/95 - 11/13/95). 20 hours. College Station TX.1996
* “Herbs for Dogs,” sponsored by the Brazos Valley Kennel Club (11/19/96). College Station TX.1997
panelist, “Our Bodies, Our Selves: Taking Control,” Texas A&M
University Women’s Week (4/2/97). Co-panelists: Dr. Nancy Dickey,
president-elect of AMA, Dr. Danny Ballard, Dr. Dymple Cooksey. I was
the token herbalist.1998
* “ABC and D of Herbs,” sponsored by the Annual Herb Festival of the Huntsville Garden Club (5/5/98). Huntsville TX
* “Memoirs of an Empathic Herbal Healer or How I Learned to Trust the
Healing Power of the Simple Plants,” sponsored by the Annual Herb
Festival (5/5/98). Huntsville TX
* “The Making of an Empathic Herbal Healer,” sponsored by the Brazos
Valley Alternative Healing Exposition (6/27/98). College Station TX
1999 * “The Making of an Empathic Herbal Healer,” sponsored
by the Brazos Valley Alternative Healing Exposition (4/24/99). College
Station TX
* “Memoirs of an Empathic Herbal Healer or How I Learned to Trust the
Healing Power of the Simple Plants,” sponsored by the Annual Herb
Festival (5/1/99). Huntsville TX
* “Herbs and Stress Management,” sponsored by Women in Science and
Engineering (6/22/99). Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
* “Herbs and Stress Management,” sponsored by Plantation Gardens Nursery (8/27/99 and 10/2/99). College Station TX
* guest speaker, Health 622 (graduate course), Issues & Trends in
Health Education, Texas A&M University, February, 1999 (Memoirs of
an Empathic Herbal Healer).
* “Herbalism & Me,” sponsored by the Texas A&M Nutrition and Dietetic Association, Texas A&M University (2/22/00).
* “Herbs and Breastfeeding,” sponsored by the Brazos Valley LaLeche League (11/00)
* guest speaker, Nutrition class at TAMU, on “Herbalism & Me” (11/00)
guest speaker, Food Science Club, TAMU on “Herbs in Retail Foods” (12/00) 2001
* "Herbalism & Me," sponsored by the Waco Herb Society, Waco, TX (3/01)Note:
Most were 1 hour talks and included a short discourse on the four
actions of herbs and involved taste testing an example of each:
slippery elm, hawthorne or juniper berries, yellow dock or cascara
sagrada, and capsicum.